Green Smoothie 7 Day Reboot (eBook)
Welcome to simple, green awesomeness in a smoothie!
...also, if you want to see one of the recipes in action, be sure to watch the video of me and my kids making "Rosemary's Baby"...
To get a feel for what the 64 page eBook is all about and why we put it together, read on. If you want to scroll down, I've included a full Table of Contents for your review.
a Short introduction...
Hippocrates, a Greek physician from 2500 years ago, may not have understood the inner workings of the human body on a molecular biology level but he and other physicians of the time knew that a connection existed between the food they ate and state of well-being.
You don’t need to be a doctor, scientist, or a nutritionist to know that food is integral in how we feel, how we think, and how we act in life. When we eat too much we feel weighed down and lethargic, tired and moody. On the other hand, eat too little or not at all and we find ourselves feeling tired, irritable, distracted, and weak
Food, at the basic level, is our fuel. It’s responsible for all our bodily functions from digestion and metabolism to walking, running and carrying – food makes this happen. This fuel we consume is made up of 3 macro-nutrients: Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins. These 3 uniquely different building blocks work synergistically to keep us performing at our best, but too much of one, or too little of another, and things can start to run awry. We know this all too well in the case of type 2 diabetics, who have developed difficulty in assimilating sugars (carbohydrates) in the blood and require ongoing monitoring and in many cases insulin injections.
We live in a chaotic world of hustle-and-bustle where many are focused on building a successful career and raising a happy, healthy family. However, for many of us caught up in this pursuit, we find that our health is put on the back-burner of life while thinking to ourselves,
Newsflash! There’ll always be another thing.
Excuses are just bad habits in disguise. In my book, the Whole Life Fitness Manifesto, I dedicate entire chapters to helping people overcome the mental barriers blocking them from prioritizing health and well-being.
Funny enough people think that as a fitness trainer I must help people develop their bodies, but truthfully, 9 times out of 10, it’s the muscle between the ears that I help them exercise the most. Put it this way, if challenged to think about your life and where you want to be – more importantly how you want to live – 10, 20 or even 40 years from now will greatly affect the choices you are making today.
Ed Stanley once said,
“Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”
He was bang on!
And so, let me get to the point of this book.
Green smoothies.
They can certainly help make life a little more awe-inspiring! A little more ‘oomph’, a little more fun, a little more of je ne sais quoi… think about one of the fondest memories you have, bottle that feeling you have right now, and think what it would be like to feel that same way about your health. That’s what I’m talking about!
Well, maybe not the smoothies specifically, but the greens themselves. Green is so much more than a color, it’s synonymous with life. Look at the forested parks, lush gardens, and fields upon fields of farmlands, the greenery is alive! Green vegetables, like spinach, kale, romaine, chard, are jammed with antioxidants, minerals, and essential vitamins. There’s a reason why Popeye reached for spinach when he needed a super-charged-kick-in-the-pants every now and then. And so too, we can harness this ‘green power’ through the foods we eat. But, we have to choose to make them part of our everyday routine – our lifestyle.
Smoothies come in a rainbow of colors. In this simple guide, my family and I have placed the emphasis on the lively color, GREEN. Which in our opinion are the most powerful and restorative smoothies for recharging, resetting, and reigniting your health and vitality.
So we ask you, are you ready to super charge your health? Unharness the power of green and regain your vitality?
Now you’re ready to read on and discover how green smoothies will impact your health today, tomorrow and for your ‘whole life’ ahead.
To make this possible, we’ve come up with 7 straight forward recipes which are jam packed with nutrient-rich green-goodness. The items are readily available from your local farmer’s market or food grocer, and some of the add-ins (which are completely optional) are available from most health food stores.
Table of Contents (64 pages, 10k+ words)
- Introduction
- Chapter 1 – Why Greens?
- Chapter 2 - Benefits of a Daily Green Smoothie
- Chapter 3 – What are the Best Greens to Use
- Chapter 4 – The What and How of Smoothies
- Chapter 5 – To Protein or Not to Protein?
- Chapter 6 – Smoothie Tips and Tricks
- Chapter 7 - Super Charged Green Smoothie Recipes
- Protein Power Booster
- Day 1: Gr’O’bana
- Day 2: Rosemary’s Baby
- Day 3: Lime-Me Baby!
- Day 4: A Date with Ginger
- Day 5: The Green Monster
- Day 6: It’s Easy Being Green
- Day 7: May the Peach be with You
- BONUS: The Kitchen Sink (aka The Leftovers)
- Now What? Making Smoothies a Part of Your Life
- Appendix
- The Shopping List
- Recipe Nutrient Breakdown
- About the Author
- Cited Sources